Several interesting events will be taken during the Forum focused on the topic “Covid and post Covid 19, the rebirth of the health system starting from the South of Italy”. Together with health professionals and important economy and innovation protagonists, will also be discussed the Restructuring Programme and the relaunch of the National Health System with the planning of national and European investments available.
“The treatment of hospital waste. What we can do today, what we must know how to do tomorrow” is the topic of the speech that Francesco Crotti, technical director of Cisa Group, will held on October 7th at the seminar on “Post-Covid Hospital: flexible, green, sustainable”. Crotti will focuse on the ecological and environmental benefits that derive from the use of the sterilization system for the on-site treatment of medical waste, designed by the Lucca-based company, since steam sterilization is now the recognized method for the inactivation of medical waste.
At the Fiera del Levante, Cisa Group will present the robot that sanitises environments using UV technology, eliminating 99% of bacteria. As a sponsor of the event, Cisa will also provide a sanitising gateway, a mobile solution which, positioned at the exhibition’s entrance, will allow visitors to sanitise their hands and shoe soles, and measure their body temperature. A device that is especially useful in environments, such as the Bari event, with thousands of people coming in and out.
Cisa will also present the Sterili-Station, the new mobile solution for the treatment of medical waste, which can be introduced more rapidly in hospitals, where time is essential and saving on economic resources has now become a crucial factor in reducing healthcare costs.
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