The TICS, 4.0 Technologies for Infection Control Systems programme, addressed to Cisa Group employees, is starting.
Cisa Group in partnership with PER-CORSO AGENZIA FORMATIVA SRL- IMPRESA SOCIALE, the project leader, participated in the “Region of Tuscany public notice for the granting of funding for training projects aimed at workers“, in line with the principles of Industry 4.0. Indeed, the role of regional policies for Industry 4.0 training is to support the growth of human capital, a strategic asset needed to face any development path.
The project has been approved and the courses that will be activated in the coming months are related to ‘transformation, corporate restructuring and reindustrialisation plans’.
The training programme TICS – 4.0 Technologies for Infection Control Systems is structured with different contents and intended for 61 employees from different company departments. The topics covered will therefore be tailored to the specific operational needs of the learners. The programme includes in-depth technical/commercial training courses on the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) for which Cisa is in the process of certification, and on the latest technologies developed by the company itself, such as Cisa Waste and the WSD products, specifically aimed at Cisa’s sales, back office and production teams and at the support staff of Cisa Service. In addition to these courses, training activities are also planned for new employees, while other sessions will be dedicated to the use of management and configuration software, as well as to basic and updated Health and Safety training for workers.
The training programme provided by Cisa Campus for the development of employees is comprehensive, diversified and well-structured, with no less than 582 hours spread over 18 months.
For more information, please visit Cisa Campus.
L’articolo “Industry 4.0 regional strategy”: the training project in Cisa Group is about to start proviene da Cisa Group.